Apple Pay & Google Pay

Your customers’ preferred method of payment providing:

  • Faster processing
  • Seamless user experience
  • Higher security

*Note: Apple Pay & Google Pay do not incur any additional charges and are currently only available with RezdyPay

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Why use Apple Pay & Google Pay?

Faster Processing

Customers now expect shorter and easier checkouts than ever before, every second matters in boosting your booking rate. Mobile payments are by far the fastest.

Seamless user experience

The key to boosting conversion rates is to remove any friction during the transaction, ie. make it as easy as possible for your customers to purchase. Mobile wallets allow for one-click payments.

Higher security

Fingerprint scanners, face scanners and new security chips are just some of the latest security features on phones; which completely removes the risk of chargebacks.

Get set up for free today

Transactions authenticated by Apple Pay & Google Pay do not incur any additional charges.

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A quick demonstration

Yes, it was quick. That’s how easy it is to make payments with Google Pay.

This is not limited to just customers on mobile, plenty of users have Google Pay set up on their Chrome browser so they get the same checkout experience on Desktop.

Did you know?

Mobile is expected to dominate online sales and drive 54% of online sales by 2021 (BigCommerce). Furthermore, 70% of mobile searches lead to action within an hour. It takes desktop users a full month to reach the same percentage (Forbes).

Set up Apply Pay & Google Pay today

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